Tag: Drawing Magic

  • Drawing Radical Futures at the ArtNow Biennial

    It certainly has been a while! Spring came an went. It was abundantly full of flowers, bugs, and drawing projects. Here’s a studio update on what I have been drawing out in the world lately.  Radical Drawing this Spring Bad at Drawing Class Bad at Drawing Class is a drawing class I teach with Dylan…

  • Are you bad at drawing?

    Do you say you “can’t draw”? Anyone can draw, including you! Because drawing is a verb. Drawing is a simple action. It is something you do, or choose not to do. Whether you do it or not is your decision. 

  • Draw Every Day This Week

    This post is an excerpt from the Radical Drawing Newsletter. If you would like to receive these emails, you can sign up at the end of the page. Welcome back to the Radical Drawing Newsletter! We are starting the second week of January, the beginning of a new Gregorian year. This time of year can…

  • Drawing in the Dark: Solstice Drawing Magic

    It is the end of the season, the end of the year, and the moon is waning. The air is cold, and deep. My skin aches for sunshine beneath bulky layers of clothing. As the sun recedes we spend more time in the dark each day. I find myself drawn to fire. I stand near…

  • Drawing When You Aren’t Feelin’ It

    This post is from the Radical Drawing Newsletter. If you would like to receive these emails, sign up below! I really felt autumn this week. The leaves are flying. The fruits are falling. The light is getting lower. How are you feeling? Between the full moon, lunar eclipse, and the midterm elections emotions are bound…

  • Creativity and Daily Practice

    Creativity is absolutely radical! It is a force of transformation that effects change in our inner and outer realities. We can nourish our creativity through practice. Practice can deepen our noticing, bringing clarity to our attention. One way I practice is by photographing the sky. This practice attunes me to different cycles. I notice the…

  • Waning Rainbow Moon Drawing Magic

    Rainbow Moon Drawing Magic is a cumulative drawing practice illustrating the phases of the moon. Each time the moon is visible to me, I add a new layer to reflect the moon’s appearance.

  • Waxing Rainbow Moon Drawing Magic

    Rainbow Moon Drawing Magic is a cumulative drawing practice illustrating the phases of the moon. Each time the moon is visible to me, I add a new layer to reflect the moon’s appearance.