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Drawing Radical Futures at the ArtNow Biennial

I designed the pattern based on an ancestral Wayuu pattern that represents a animal tracks. My pattern is also informed by a Japanese pattern depicting an arrow’s tail as it flies. Both ideas represent moving toward the future to me.
It certainly has been a while!
Spring came an went. It was abundantly full of flowers, bugs, and drawing projects. Here’s a studio update on what I have been drawing out in the world lately.
Radical Drawing this Spring
Bad at Drawing Class
Bad at Drawing Class is a drawing class I teach with Dylan Cale Jones. We created B.A.D. specifically for people who say they are “bad at drawing”. The point of the class is to make drawing safe and fun. There is no such thing as a “bad” drawing.
The spring session of B.A.D. was wildly successful! We had an amazing group of students who drew some wonderful drawings. We plan on offering the original course again this fall.
For the summer, we are offering two 4-week mini-courses. The first one is called Bad at Drawing: Flowers. It runs on Wednesdays, at 6-8:30pm, July 12 – August 2. Sign up for flowers here!
The second class is Bad at Drawing: Portraits. The portraits class will be on Wednesdays, 6-8:30pm, August 12 – September 6th. Sign up for portraits here!
For those of you who asking for an online version of B.A.D. Class—just hold tight—we will have something for you soon!
Bone Deep Drawing Club
Bone Deep Drawing was lots of fun! Thanks again to everyone who came out and drew bones with us at The Sanctuary OKC. We plan on doing a one-night bone drawing event this November.
ArtNow: The Soul is a Wanderer
I am thrilled to have my work included in the 2023 ArtNow biennial at Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center. The exhibition is inspired by Poet Laureate Joy Harjo’s poem Map to the Next World. The OCAC commissioned several illustrative wall drawings as well as a Radical Drawing exercise for the Learning Gallery. The Learning Gallery is an educational space which makes the ideas in main exhibition accessible to a wider audience.
Drawing Radical Futures
I want to share the exercise I designed for the exhibition as this month’s drawing prompt. I call it Drawing Radical Futures and I designed it to guide you as you imagine the future you want and draw it into being.

Drawing Radical Futures
The closing line of Joy Harjo’s poem Map to the Next World say,
“Crucial to finding the way is this: there is no beginning or end. You must make your own map.”
Drawing can help us create that map. When you draw a line, you create a path. When that path makes a shape, it creates a portal. That portal leads to many possibilities. What shape is it? What is on the other side?
The present is a portal between your past and your future.
Draw that portal. Start by drawing a line. This line is your path.
Use your line to draw a large shape. This shape is your portal.
Look into the shape. Imagine you future. What does it look like?
Draw your future inside the shape. Now you have a map.
Fold your map into a book. Each page shows part of your path.
Unfold your map and lay it flat. It shows the future you are creating.

Prototype for the Drawing Radical Futures booklet. In my future, I drew flowers, rain, the sun, a river, a kitten, a vessel, a checker pattern and stars.
Do you like Radical Drawing?
We have a new project called Practice Practice.
Practice Practice is an accessible resource for creative people (like you!) who are building more sustainable practices. Our goal is to give you tools to build balanced practices that align with their values. Are you ready to transform your practice?
Thank you, as always, for reading. Until next month—keep drawing!
Isa Rodriguez